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In Hindsight & Upon Reflection

Question Of The Day I was lucky enough to spend this past weekend up in the beautiful Berkshires of MA at a retreat hosted by my business coach and mentor.  In one of our masterminding sessions, I was asked why I don’t show more of my “real life” (aka, the trials and tribulations of day-to-day […]

That Thing You Do

Coach, Mentor, Guide, Teacher, Advocate, Cheerleader I want you to know WHY I chose to become a Mindset Coach and Empowerment Advocate for girls and women. If you don’t know me well, you may form a particular impression: I’m an optimistic, enthusiastic, intelligent, successful, more-often-than-not happy woman with a beautiful family who travels all over […]

The Art of Surrender

Let It Go, Let It Flow What do you think of and how do you feel when you hear the word Surrender? In my experience, many see the word surrender and imbue it with negativity; that in surrender you give up, lose, fail. But, for me, surrendering is the release of expectation; of exchanging how […]

On Labor Day, I Honor My Body

Today, I Gave Up There are just times that you can’t do it.  I mean, you probably can, but lack the will.  Or the energy.  The verve. 3 days.  I’ve had 3 days of physical exhaustion. Not like, “I could fall asleep at the drop of a hat” kind of exhaustion.  More the, “oh my […]

HOME is Where the Heart is

WHY WE ARE NOT A TRAVEL BLOG (or, not your typical travel blog) Facebook Instagram Pinterest Youtube   We think of this site more as a place to document our experiences, our discoveries; discovering new places, discovering who we are, what we feel, what our place is on this earth, why it is thus.  And […]

Getting Personal: My Story

  I wasn’t sure if I’d ever actually write, not to mention publicly publish, any of this.  But…   YOLO, right? It’s not easy for me to talk about myself.  I mean, I know ME already.  I know my story.  I know my accomplishments.  I know my successes.  Been there, done that, not that interesting. […]

The Beginning (sort of)

In the Summer of 2015 we finally made our way out of the cramped, noisy, rat race of the city.  We traded in walls shared with neighbors above, below, and beside to embrace a big outdated house and expansive, unkempt property. Essentially we took on many projects at once with very little experience in the […]

It’s Summer, baby!

Sum sum sum sum sum sum Summertime!  Happy Litha!  Hello, first quarter moon! I woke just before 5a.m. and groaned, squeezing my eyes shut and willing myself back to sleep, sweet sleep.  Alas, the birds were chirping and the coffee was calling.  One hot cup o’ joe and 5 lives of Candy Crush later it […]