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A Short Bio


For 20 years I worked in Advertising, Media, and Magazine Publishing.  It was a sometimes fulfilling road, full of interesting and intelligent people, and experiences and enduring friendships I’m truly grateful for.  But once I become a mom, specifically a girl mom, I realized I had to significantly amp up my role model manna.  The industry in which I was working was anything but one I’d base my value system on.  It took me some time to come to the decision to leave and pursue my real passion.

I’m not a newbie in the whole healing and energy work/“spiritual” arena.  I didn’t come to it suddenly after an epiphany or amazing yoga class or tarot reading or because I needed a new job after I left my corporate career. So how long have I been practicing this stuff?  Well, I’ll be 43 in July, so… 43 years give or take a few millennia if you happen to believe that “energy can neither be created nor destroyed” (aka, reincarnation).

I actually grew up in a very consciously aware and open-minded-and-hearted metaphysical community and have carried and employed those teachings, lessons and tools my entire life (and acquired a bunch more along the way!).  It’s actually because of the way I was raised that I’ve made my life what it is today and why my outlook is carefree and I can laugh through nearly anything.

So why am I only just now claiming these truths?  Because the world is ready, more people are getting #woke, and it’s time I finally show up and do what I’ve always loved doing most (besides raising my girls).
It’s time to remember and ACTIVATE all the power we already, inherently possess.

We are Conscious Creators and it’s time to destroy acting as our own worst enemies and create the best friend relationship we should be having with ourselves.

That means doing the inner work to create the outer reality we want. It means healing from all the drama trauma, the bad relationships, the wounding, the failures, the demons, the BS that holds us in a web of fear and deception.

That means equipping yourself with a rechargeable set up jumper cables for your life and knowing how, and not being afraid to use them. Because, yes #shithappens. But no, we don’t need to be derailed when we know how to clear shit like a freaking NINJA!

I’m just the clear channel, the psychic wi-fi signal booster, the Intuitive co-pilot along for the ride until you’re ready to soar solo.



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