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The Art of Surrender

Let It Go, Let It Flow

What do you think of and how do you feel when you hear the word Surrender?

In my experience, many see the word surrender and imbue it with negativity; that in surrender you give up, lose, fail.

But, for me, surrendering is the release of expectation; of exchanging how it should be for how it is.  Surrendering is about letting go of resistance, floating on the current of life, and finding your own inner flow.

In Surrender, we are able to experience each moment as it comes and appreciate that life is made up of countless fleeting moments woven throughout our unique tapestry.

The Art of Surrender

If you are familiar with this site, you know we’re believers in and teachers of the principle of Planned Surrender™; that you have goals, dreams, intentions to manifest but that you allow the “how” to work itself out in an organic and synchronous way.

Each day I take time to visualize the life I want to lead, practice gratitude for the life I have now, and actively work to achieve those dreams.  The key is to fully let go of expectations about exactly how to achieve said dreams, goals, and intentions.

This is the Art of Surrender.

The Real Deal

I could give countless examples wherein surrendering has led to unexpected joy and pleasure.  But as yesterday was International Day of the Girl, I will focus on a few of my most favorite manifestations.

Below are three humans who would not have existed had I not surrendered to the process of infertility treatments.  I let go of how I thought these beautiful beings should be created and in the process witnessed and experienced true miracles of science (which is just another name for God/Goddess, The Universe, Higher Power, et al).

By letting go, I learned how strong I was of body and spirit.

By surrendering, my heart grew three times over.

“Although we have been made to believe that if we let go we will end up with nothing, life reveals just the opposite: that letting go is the real path to freedom.” 

– Sogyal Rinpoche

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