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HOME is Where the Heart is


(or, not your typical travel blog)






We think of this site more as a place to document our experiences, our discoveries; discovering new places, discovering who we are, what we feel, what our place is on this earth, why it is thus.  And on and on this thought leads…

We may or may not tag our exact location.  Our caption may or may not include “useful” information about the locale.  We may or may not make any sort of verbal appeal or recommendation about the area.

Because it’s not just about WHERE we are.  It’s about WHO we are and WHAT we feel WHEN we’re experiencing something new together.  That’s our WHY; WHY we travel.

We travel for the emotional connection.

We adventure for the spiritual awakenings.


Yes, going abroad is a beautiful experience.  Vast swaths of the U.S. are visually stimulating.  The entire planet is nothing short of a miraculous wonderland.

But we don’t travel just to take pictures of ourselves in front of famous or “frameworthy” sites.  Though certainly we do bc when we’re old and senile we want to at least see, even if we can’t remember, our family standing in front of the Great Pyramids (bucket list!)!

But that’s not the point.

We define adventure not as in how FAR you travel or how mysterious were the sights you saw, but as any time spent doing, seeing, learning something about YOURSELF.  It is spending all-too-short and precious time with our children and family.  It’s about creating memories that will, hopefully, outlive our physical lives and be remembered in the hearts and minds of our children, and their children, and the beat goes on…

How do we change as a result of what we’re experiencing?

There’s a quote that sums this thought up very succinctly, and so we won’t recreate the wheel here.  It goes:

“Certainly travel is more than the seeing of sights; It is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.” – Miriam Bearo

A very good friend and mentor recently asked me, as the writer of this particular piece, what it was like to come “home” after a travel adventure as she felt a sense of let-down once “vacation” was over. We get this question a lot given the frequency we’re away from our brick and mortar home.

What I explained to her is something I’ve known about myself since I was a child.

“Wherever I am, IS home.  I am the soul and my body is my physical home.  Therefore, wherever I am in any given moment, I am home.”

There is a wonderful quote I found the day following this conversation and it resonates deep within my soul.

“Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home” – Matsuo Basho

So, with that, we welcome you to the place where we document our wanderings, and hope to offer you whatever it is you need to go out into this God-given world and feel


With Love & Light,

The Riveras




