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The Beginning (sort of)

In the Summer of 2015 we finally made our way out of the cramped, noisy, rat race of the city.  We traded in walls shared with neighbors above, below, and beside to embrace a big outdated house and expansive, unkempt property. Essentially we took on many projects at once with very little experience in the arenas of gardening/landscaping and in-home renovations.  But we dove in heads first, as is our way, knowing we had the fortitude to withstand the inevitable frustrations and trusting we had, or would find, the means by which to keep the momentum going.

And did I mention we did so with 3 young children in tow?  And without the income I had provided for so many years?

Talk about a mindset shift.

And it was then, in that Summer of 2015, that a seed was planted.  In my heart.  In my SOUL.

Welcome to Five Rivera Life!  In these pages, or just a click away, you will get a glimpse into our lives.  We want you to be inspired to live your best life and to offer up support and guidance along the way.








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Written by: admin